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Post Info TOPIC: You look good for your age...

who could deny these butterflies?

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You look good for your age...

Conor Rigby woke up on the floor. "Uhhhnngggf." He groaned as he pulled himself back onto his bed. He rolled over and rubbed his eyes. I guess it's my birthday... He looked over at his clock- it was 9:54. Conor stood and pulled on some black skinny jeans and a gray v-neck, not caring if they were clean or not. He grabbed a black scarf and walked into the bathroom to brush his teeth. He ran his hand though his dark hair and frowned at his mirror. "I'm 17 now, aren't I...?" After brusing his teeth, he dragged his half-asleep self to the kitchen. "Hey." He adressed his mother, Kairu, as she poured herself some coffee. "CONOR!" Kairu squealed. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!" She embraced her son and kissed his forhead too many times. "Mom. Lipstick. Forhead. Party later. Really?" Conor grumbled as he broke away from the bear hug. "Oops! Sorry!" Kairu claped her hands over her crimson mouth. "Well, here's some coffee." She handed Conor a mug. He took it and walked to the sink to wash off the lipstick. Just then, Smith walked in holding a large box. "Hey! Happy birthday!" Smith set down the box and hugged Conor from behind. "What the heck?" Realising who it was, Conor relaxed. "Good morning, dad." Smith smiled and held up the box again. "Here!" Conor grinned. "Oh, thank you!" He took the box and started to open it. Inside was a golden yellow silk scarf. "Wow! Thank you so much!" Conor looked up at his parents. "This is so wonderful." Setting down the box on the counter, he replaced his black scarf with the new yellow one. SMith smiled and picked up his sons unfinished coffee. "I'm glad you like it!" Mid sip, he heard a knock at the door. "That must be your friends!" Kairu chimed, clacking to the door in her 4" pink heels. She adjusted her shorts and oversize sweater before opening the door.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Travis stood in the doorway looking at the ground "Hey Kairu, I need caffiene. Can you help me?" Glinda pushed him "KAIRU, SMITH!" She embraced them "Ignore Travis here. He didn't even realize people woke up before 2." Travis shrugged "It was worth it for Conor." He looked up and saw him "Hey Happy Birthday." They fist pounded "Nice scarf." Conor rebuttled "Nice hat." Sophiana came in with her arms high "Conor doll. You make me feel so old." She kissed him on the forehead "Oops. Haha. Your forehead matches me lips." Sophiana had 4 inch gold glitter heels and fushia lipstick. She had leather skinny jeans and an orange loose fitting top. Charlie manhugged Smith "I am not old. Nor will I ever be old." Sophiana rolled her eyes "That stupid scuffy beard argues that!" Glinda was at this point dying over Kairu's shoes "Pink heels. Man Kairu if I may your legs look killer in those." She flipped her orange mane.


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

"Why, thank you!" Kairu lead the group to the kitchen. She pulled her wand out from her pocket and waved it a few times, sending tall glasses to each place at the bar. "We have tea, coffee, lemonade, cola, whatever you want. We also have cake." She smiled and opened the fridge. Inside were an asortment of Conor's favorite things- chocolate cake, salad, and pasta to name a few. Conor smiled at his mother gratefully. "You really didn't have to go to all this trouble..." He said shyly, but Kairu just waved her hand in the hair to silence him. "No! Don't say it! Just appreciate a mothers gift." She then sighed dramatically and took her coffee wiuth her to a bar stool.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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"COFFEE." Travis declared "please?" he added after a few seconds of silence. Glinda looked at Conor "Conor hun!" She hugged him tightly. "You look good for your age!" She snorted. "Bloody hell I said I was going to stop snorting I sound awful. "Are you exitced?" She grabbed his hands. "I hope you are. But don't worry if you aren't I am happy enough for the both of us." She looked behind her "Where are your sisters?" Sophiana leaned over to Kairu "Look at Travis." Travis was at the table laughing with Smith cradling his black coffee "Just a little caffiene and he is a diffrent person."


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

Kairu's eyes widened. "How strange, he usually looks totally baked!" She laughed. Conor'f face flushed as glinda held his hand. "They went out to pick some things up..." He liked the way she snorted, but he wasn't going to mention it. Suddenly the room was filled with a loud CRACK! as three girls appered. Smith choked on his coffee, Kairu jumped, and Conor held onto Glinda. "Why helllloooooo, big brother!" Hally swooned as she let go of her sisters hands. She wore a tight red tanktop, gold sequin shorts, and red heels. Hally fixed her apricot hair, her millions of bracelets jingling. "Happy birthday!" Cyrus spoke up from behind Hally. She wore black skinny jeans, black flats, and a gray tank top. Katy mumbled in the background, fixing her faux leather jacket.  Conor flew off of Glinda, to his embarassment. "Thanks!" He replied sheepishly.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Glinda put her hands on her hips "Hally, you look better than ever!" She left Conor and went to Hally "Your hair looks perfect. I love your bracelets." Travis looked up from his coffee and stood up "Hey Cyrus." Travis adjusted his black wool beanie, and pulled on his red plaid shirt. His grey skinnies matched his black-van style shoes before he went over to talk. Sophiana looked at Kairu "Can you believe that we are about to get a table for 10 people. When 20 years ago it was for just us four?"


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

Kairu sighed. "how crazy is that? I need a drink..." She mumbled. Cyrus smiled shyly at travis. "Hey..." Before she could go on, Smith shouted, "Okay! Now that everyone's here, we're going to have cake slash icecream slash presents slash treat-conor-like-he's-five-years-old time!" He grinned at his embarrased son. Everyone sat down around the coffee table.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Sophiana looked up from her vodka and orange juice. "Well today is a celebration. A celebration that I am allowed to drink hard liquor and you are all children in the eyes of the law so you can't. Oh yeah and that it is Conor's birthday."
Glinda sat by Conor "Oh Conor, I adore birthdays. Max, my boyfriends 18th birthday was last month and we had a killer party with a liveband and everything. We had it the night before so he could kiss me at midnight." She giggled "Birthdays are a big excuse to be happy."
Charlie frowned "Hey Kai, I thought you should know that I am still taller than you in those stripper heels." He grinned, and started to frown "Though Soph is taller than me in hers. So we can call it a draw."
Travis was stuck on the couch between Hally and Cyrus "So...." He akwardly started a conversation


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

Conor looked at the floor. He didn't like Max. Not one bit. Suddenly, Smith tossed a gift onto his lap. "Here you go!" Smith sat down next to charlie. Conor smiled at his father, and then unwrapped the gift. Inside was a box of chocolate frogs and a gift card to a fabric store. "Thanks!" Glinda grabbed a frog and gleefully bit its head off. "Hey..." Conor was going to protest, but before he could, Hally dumped a bag on his head. Conor was soon covered in peppermints. "Happy Bithday!" Hally grinned as Conor sat frozen.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Glinda clapped "Oh my, look at it all." She pulled the wrapper of a peppermint "Are you going to use that giftcard to make more scaves? You have an eye for scarves that I envy! I mean it is a gift from the scarf gods." She finished chewing "I wonder why scarves though." Sophiana chugged the rest of her drink. Charlie looked over "Sophiana, it is not even noon yet." "DUH. That is why it has orange juice in it. For mornings." Sophiana put the glass down "Conor this is from me." The box resembled a shoe box and was hot. Conor slowly took off the wrap and opened the box. He looked up "Ummm." Sophiana jumped up "I bought you a box filled with tacos."


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

Kairu jumped up and high fived Sophiana. "YOU ARE THE BEST." Conor stared at the box in confusion. "Tacos? Okay..." He took one out and bit into it. "They're good..." He mumbled. Cyrus giggled to herself. That was very like Sophiana. "So, I think we're done here...?" Smith chimed in. "I'm hungry and those tacos look good."



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Sophiana smiled in selfassurance "Everyone should now eat Conor's present." Glinda looked in the box "That is so like my mother." Charlie shrugged "They are good tacos so I can't complain." Travis sighed "Don't worry Conor I got a pair of handknit hotpink socks for my birthday. It was okay though since my dad gave me a sweater and like a years supply of fizzing whizbees."


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

Conor shrugged. "I would have made you scarf, but that's just me..." Kairu giggled. "This is now a dance party!" she declared. Katy raised an eyebrow. "At 11 o clock in the morning...?" She said apathetically, her black doc martins on the coffee table. "Hmm..." Kairu mulled over it for a moment, but then shrugged. "Well, you kids have your movies. We're going drinking!" she gestured to Sophiana.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Sophiana got off her chair "Every party needs liquor. Well I need liquor." Glinda smiled at Conor "We can have fun without beer." She snorted and quickly turned away "Right Hally?" Charlie sighed "Can I just have like, a screwdriver minus the vodka?" "That just leaves orangejuice." Sophiana interjected "Yeah, I know." Sophiana shook her head "Smith babe will you drink with us?"


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

Smith smiled. "of course!" He stood and wrapped his arms around Kairu. "Let's go!" Soon the parents were out of the door and on their way to a bar somewhere. Conor sighed. "Happy birthday to me?" He laughed. Katy turned to Travis. "I'ma be straight up here. Do you have any weed?" Cyrus frowned at her twin. "Come on, Katy. Really?" Katy shrugged. Conor sighed again. "No drugs at my party, guys."



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Travis looked at Katy "Sorry man. Conor's party his rules. Talk to me later" He winked. Glinda had her arms crossed with a death glare. Travis put his arms out "What do you want me to lie? I have weed and cigarettes, okay?" Glinda humphed and moved over towards Conor "Do you have a birthday wish?"


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

Conor blushed again. "I dunno. I can't really decide on one." He lied. Cyrus rolled her eyes. "Well. What do you guys want to watch?" Hally pulled gentlemen prefer blondes out of her bag. "Yes I do cary this with me." She confessed, handing it to her sister.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Glinda clapped "Do the boys want to watch it?" Travis swallowed his taco "Dude, it has Marilyn freakin Monroe in it. Yeah I want to watch it." Glinda looked at Conor "It is your party, do you want to watch it?"


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

"Sure!" Conor grinned. "I love her." He laughed and picked up his coffee, taking a sip. Hally popped the movie in and they began to watch it. Naturally, Hally fell asleep during the first five minutes. Cyrus turned and saw her sister snoring. "Why am I not surprised?"



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Glinda laughed "And then there was 5." Travis turned to Katy during a lull of non-marilyn "You smoke?"


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

"Yup." Katy said frankly. She grabbed Conor's coffee from across the table and drank the rest of it. "I've been meaning to quit, but it IS a celebration." She smiled at him and handed him his mug back. Cyrus had her eyes dead-set on the screen, a slight smile on her lips. No way she would miss a monroe film for this. Conor furrowed his brow in frustration. "That was my coffee!" He said, exasperated. "Now I have to get more..." He groaned, stood, and went grumbling into the kitchen.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

Status: Offline
Posts: 1275

Travis grumbled all the way to the kitchen, and poured himself more coffee. When he came into the living room he sat across from Hally with his legs pulled up on the couch "No more of that stealing coffee thing." He sipped it slowly "You guys have really great coffee by the way." He glanced at the TV "Nice men in speedo's" He chuckled and drank somemore.

-- Edited by sophiana tsuki on Sunday 23rd of January 2011 06:57:10 PM


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

((Was that supposed to be travis...? I'm confused.))



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

Status: Offline
Posts: 1275



Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

((You put conor, haha.))

Conor came back into the living room carrying two mugs. "Here you go." He handed Glinda one as he sat back down. "I didn't want you to feel left out in our coffee party." He sipped his and set it down. "So-" Conor sighed, "-This is pretty boring. What do you say we go upstairs and talk about music slash people slash life instead?" He smiled at Glinda, Travis, and Katy.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

Status: Offline
Posts: 1275

((O____O ignore that...))

Glinda took the cup and cuddled it. "Thanks Hun." She thought for a minute "Sure Conor it's your party."


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

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