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If We Were Muggles On A Reality TV Show


Okay, so I thought it would be interesting for Kairu, myself, Hazel, Sirius, Cassi(if she's able) Sophiana and MiMik to be, like, muggles on a reality show. I dunno, I'd much prefer it was just us. Others are welcome to comment, but I think it'd be kind of weird for the people who aren't as close as we are to pretend to diss each other and stuff. Okay, here goes.

Reality TV- Room Mates, Yes, We don't know each other, and have to last for one month all living in the same appartment.

-- Edited by Alice Newman at 15:56, 2008-09-27


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((Can I post now?))

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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Kairu Rigby, a graduate from peace college in NC, lay reading in style on her bed. her hair was pinned back. "Hey. You." She called to Alice, who was sitting not to far away. (i think If they where total strangers, kairu would not get alopng with half the poeple she does)




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((Go ahead))

Alice Newman had always wanted to be on the telli. She had always thought that it would be fun. But finding out that she had been chosen to spend a whole effing month sharing an apartment with A LOT of other girls, in one apartment, by the way, was probably not what she had been wanting...



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Alice looked up at the shouting of her name. "Oh, what, now? Can't you see that I'm busy??" she asked((u don't have 2, but they can all still be from where they are as witches...)) "Or, do you think my accent's funny?" she asked, glaring. She was painting her wall, which was on the opposite side of kairu's.((they have two bedrooms. placements: Kairu, Alice, Hazel, Sirius. MiMik, Sophiana, Cassi. Everyone has a wall.))


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Sirius Chambers walked out of the bathroom she shared with some wierdo, "OI! Who used my shampoo?" She asked angrily. Quickly she pulled her hair into some sorta bun-ponytail-mess thing and walked over to her bed. ((Her attitude is not exactly her best quality, but its there.)) She flopped on her bed, still angry. Why had she agreed to this? She had never really liked rality shows. And she was like, the sanest person here. They were all so spastic. If she didn't make a friend, ths would be a heck of a show. 

-- Edited by Sirius at 19:48, 2008-09-26

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

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"No. The paint fumes are getting in my dye job. Not cool...and yo!" Kairu called to sirius, "I used it, my bad." She leaped up, walking outside to the pool.




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"Don't look at me." replied Alice huffily. "Mine's Vanilla Strawberry. Why would I want to use yours?" she asked, finishing her painting. At the moment, it was only a pale shade of yellow. She walked to her dresser, and pulled out a shirt to replace her paint-splattered white tank. "Okay, losers, I'm using the bathroom."((each room has one bathroom. btw, there will be confession rooms, and stuff)) She walked in, and sat on the edge of the tub. She looked to the camera.((this is soooo weird)) "Okay." she began. "Don't get me wrong, I'm sure they're..." she paused. "Screw that. I think they're weird. That Kairu girl treats me like an idiot. And Sirius seems to think that everyone ADORES her. Why would I even want to use her effing shampoo?" she asked, glaring at the shut door. She changed into a white shirt with a narwhal on it, and changed into bright yellow skinny jeans. "This is so weird." she said, shaking her head at the camera.


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"Not cool, what's mine is mine. Can't you respect my stuff, yo?" She asked. Her bed had white sheets, a green coverlet-thing ((or black sheets)), and on top she had put a fleece blanket with wolves howling to the moon. ((I have a blanket like that.)) She looked around the room, trying to choose the person she could stand being friends with.

-- Edited by Sirius at 19:55, 2008-09-26

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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Alice made her bed. Black lacy sheets fell from the edges, and red silky pillows were all over it. The headboard was against her dresser, which had a curved checkered lamp on it. She flopped down. "This sucks." she muttered, and looked to the deck, the large, tan cement space that connected the two dorms on the outside. There was a pool, and several plants and chairs. She looked to the camera placed in the room, and flipped it off, feeling extremely irritable.


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After Alice, Sirius walked out and turned to face the camera, "I hate this. No one seems to respect I like my personal property to be mine, and these people are so crazy. Man, they treat me like some useless selfish idiot. None of them are anything like me."

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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Meanwhile, kairu read, her feet in the water. The camera zoomed to her sighing, then cliped to the confession booth. "Um... I don't really relate to anyone here. I think Sirius's a lezbo... checkout those muscles, yo." She laughed. (It is a reality show...)It clipped back to her at the waters edge. "And so, they set off on there epic quest to blah blah blah" kairu sighed, throwing the book into the water. "WHY CAN'T DYE SET IN FASTER?!"



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((Lezbo? Thanks, yo....*rolls eyes*))
Sirius sat on her bed, put her iPod ear buds in, turned it on, and watched that Alie Newman girl, out of boredom.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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Alice walked out to the pool, and sat down opposite Kairu, on the other side of the pool.((don't take any snide comments personally. it's reality TV)) It cut to the confession room. Alice sighed. "To be truthful, I really wish I had different roommates. None of the other girls have gotten here, yet," she put her chin on her fist. "And Kairu and Sirius are the only ones, right now." she finished. "That Kairu seems... well, bratty? I dunno. I was just trying to paint my WHITE wall, and she goes off about her f**king hair dye?" Cutting back to the pool, Alice looked over the city.((i say it's set in NEW YORK CIT-AY)) Cuts back to confession room.((cr)) "And Sirius. Where to start?" Sirius walks out of the building out of the C.R. ((cr)) "She's just... stupid?"

-- Edited by Alice Newman at 15:55, 2008-09-27


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(Kairu's so prejuduce! LAWL!)

Later, kairu ran off to the shower to wash out the dye.  The camera followed her as she leaned over the faucet, and then, "WHO TOOK THE HOT WATER?!" She yelled.




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Alice walked in from the pool, a towel slung over her shoulder. "S**t! No hot water?!" she cried, running over to Kairu and the faucet. She stuck her hand under the water. "D**n, that's cold." she muttered. "SIRIUS?! What the f**k did you do to our hot water?!" she yelled out of the bathroom. "Kairu, if you still wash the dye, dry your hair really well." Alice made a face, and walked out of the room. "I don't want any colds."

Alice sat in a chair, her arms folded. She figited. "Well, for starters, I'm pretty pi**ed, because it seems that Sirius has gone and taken our hot water...."


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((I'm not, I was being sarcastic! Out of the what?))
Sirius walked outside, following Alice, cuz that censored white room mad e her feel like she was in an asylum. She sat down in a chair, "Hey, you're Alice, right? You play any sports?" She asked, sheerly because this actually was an interesting topic to her. And Alice seemed like she was the better of her two roomates, at the moment. ((Confession Chamber))
"Alice? Well, she's weird, and stupid, and, well, I dunno, but that Kairu, she's censored intense...Alice just seems a little more...I dunno, less scary, selfish, and hair dye obssesed, to say the least."

-- Edited by Sirius at 20:07, 2008-09-26

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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Kairu groaned loudly. "GAWD, I HAVE TO WASH THIS OUT!"  She was dyeing her hair bright red now. Suddenly, like no one was around, shed all of her clothes and jumped in the pool. Red clouded around  in the water, and she recurfaced on the other side.




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Alice came storming into the darkened room. "SIRIUS! WTF?! what did you do with our hot water?!"
((Confession room))
Alice figeted in the chair again. "Gawd, this sucks. If I don't start hanging out with someone soon, I'll go crazy. I don't like to be excluded.." she trailed off. Then she glared at the camera. "And I get the feeling that Sirius thinks that I'm mentally retarded or something..."((end cr.))


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"I didn't used the censored hot water! I don't take very hot showers." Sirius sighed.
((I'm not, I was being sarcastic!))
((Confession Chamber))
"Alice? Well, she's weird, and stupid, and, well, I dunno, but that Kairu, she's censored intense...Alice just seems a little more...I dunno, less scary, selfish, and hair dye obssesed, to say the least. And that censored white bedroom makes me fell like it's an insane asylum"

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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((CR)) "yeah, I don't take no for an answer." Kairu mused. ((end CR)) BRB



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"KAIRU! Stop dyeing the censored pool.
"I have to hang out with someone soon, but Alice, my first choice, hates me, and Kairu...."*shudders*

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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"Oh, really?" Alice asked. "I've been swimming all day. Who took the hot water?" she asked. "Cuz it sure as h**l wasn't me. How long showers do you take?"
"Yeah, Sirius? She's weird. But Kairu..." she shook her head. She looked up really quick, glaring. "SHE EFFING RUINED OUR POOL WITH HER D**N HAIR DYE!!"((end CR))


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"Umm...I was in there for about two censored minutes, censored." Sirius walked over to Alice's wall to stare at it, "Interesting. Definately better than this censored white."
"Well, Alice and Kairu blame me a lot, but I do the same I guess. I can't believe KAIRU MESSED UP the pool. I have to exercise somehow in this censored censored place. But either way, I like Alice's wall."

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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The door to the apartment banged open, and a short strawberry blonde with freckles stood outside in the hall, with 4 assorted travel bags and suitcases. "Hello, Roommates!" She yelled dramatically. "KISS MY FACE!!!"she screamed.


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"Gah, would you just shut up already? I ain't kissing you." Sirius muttered, sitting down. "Anyways, hello."

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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Alice marched out into the kitchen. "I'm effing starving. What is there to eat?" she asked, opening the fridge. ((cr)) "So, I found some rotten meat..."(endcr)) Alice pulled out a bag of bloody porkchops.((cr)) "Some old pizza..."((ecr)) Alice threw away a box labled 'Pizzaria'.((cr)) "And a lot of things that require you to make it from scratch..." she mused, looking up into the camera, the gray wall in the back looking bland((ecr)) Alice pulled out flour, pancake mix, dough, cinnimon.((cr)) Alice shook her head and smiled. "Those effing ba**ards wantde us to cook something together..."((ecr)) Alice put the bags of ingrediants on the table.((cr)) She leaned towards the camera. "What are we, engaged?"



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"Its hypothetical. gawd." she joked, rolling her eyes. Who are YOU anyway? And where the h*** are the other inmates who are supposed to live here? Give me a bed!" she said loudly, pointing at her new roommate. She looked out the window. "Why the f*** is the pool red?" she murmered to herself.


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"For crying out loud, I don't wanna live with these people."

"I'm Sirius Chambers, whoever the heck you are.THIS HOUSE IS CENSORED MADDENING. I'm going to Lowes to buy some paint. If you want a certain color, either come or tell me now." Sirius said loudly to the house at large.

-- Edited by Sirius at 20:25, 2008-09-26

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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Kairu walked in, new red hair in a towel. "Hey newcomer, i'm Kairu Rigby." She greeted, plopping on her bed. (CR) "HAZEl..."kairu sighed. "Cool." (ECR) Kairu walked into the kitched, grabbing some ramen. "I WANT RED, BLACK, GREEN, AND SOME TAPE!" She called.

-- Edited by Kairu Rigby at 20:28, 2008-09-26


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