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Post Info TOPIC: What a wonderful world...


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RE: What a wonderful world...

licea cackled as she dodged the spells like a dance. "Too. slow." She sang, and aimed her wand for her feet. A snake wrapped itself around her feet, and Sirius toppled over.


My red pandas are attacking!

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"censored.gif! That hurt....." She shouted. "Det görar ond egentligen!"

-- Edited by Sirius at 19:34, 2008-09-18

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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"Naughty, naughty, Sirius." She waved her wand, and the lights went out. Out of the darkness, Sirius heard the single word: "Boo." and then the shattering of glass, and she fell unconsious.


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((The heck???Did you break a soda bottle over my head???......?!)) All Sirius remembered saying was: 'ytterligare en gång min ska jumbo och testament: edward får ingenting av min'

-- Edited by Sirius at 19:39, 2008-09-18

-- Edited by Sirius at 19:44, 2008-09-18

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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((wow. she hit her hard. and, to be precise, it was a boylan's grape soda bottle, half empty, so sorry, but sirius will need to wash her hair. licea/alice can speak other languages, too! see:)) "Ach 'n bert hurtyn. ddylasech wedi clywed 'm yn d , adwaenoch. a , cei at golch 'ch gwallt , achos 'r botelu was ond hanner arllwys." Licea said. ((You are pretty stupid. you should have heard me coming, you know. and, you will have to wash your hair, because the bottle was only half empty.)) "Alice ydy yn d bacia , awron. gwisga t dybied a atgofia beth damweiniedig , fel alli ddethol whether ai peidio at lanw 'i i mewn." ((Alice is coming back, now. i don't think that she will remember what happened, so you can choose whether or not to fill her in.))And Licea's face clouded over, the evil smirk leaving, replaced by a dreamy stare. "Beth 'r annwfn jyst damweiniedig?" Alice asked. ((what the h*** just happened?))


My red pandas are attacking!

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((i said this:
That really hurt
Det görar ond egentligen
<!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->

I passed out? Dang it, that hardly ever happens to me...Jag passerade ut? Dang händer den, det knappt någonsin till mig

once again, my last will and testament: Edward gets none of my stuff
ytterligare en gång min ska jumbo och testament: Edward får inga av mitt stoppar
Sirius sat up. Edward was kneeling by her. "Are you all right?"
She smirked, "mig förmiddag inte en wimp. naturligtvis oroar jag förmiddaggodkännandet, så inte. det var rolig, min kära edward." (('m not a wimp. of course i'm okay, so don't worry. that was fun, my dear edward.)) He looked at her strangely, and she realized her brain was still working in swedish. "oh! mig förmiddag som talar svensk som är ledsen. dess en medvetslös ändring. ge mig en sekund för att koppla tillbaka." She thought for a second, then repeated herself, "I said:i'm not a wimp. of course i'm okay, so don't worry. that was fun, my dear edward.oh! i'm speaking swedish, sorry. its an unconcious change. give me a sec to switch back." He looked at her and sighed."What did you say before you passed out?"
" <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->I passed out? Dang it, that hardly ever happens to me...Jag passerade ut? Dang händer den, det knappt någonsin till mig....I said: <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } -->ytterligare en gång min ska jumbo och testament: Edward får inga av mitt stoppar...I think...yeah....i said this: <!-- @page { size: 8.5in 11in; margin: 0.79in } P { margin-bottom: 0.08in } --> once again, my last will and testament: Edward gets none of my stuff" She rolled her eyes. She hated repeating herself.

-- Edited by Sirius at 20:02, 2008-09-18

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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Alice looked at them strangely. She tilted her head. "Did Licea jyst chyfnewid chen?" she said, blinking. "Adawai yn areithio Cymraeg did hi mo? O , ddyn. Awron Bydda drawedig yn areithio i mewn Cymraeg achos eithaf rhyw amsera." she said, snapping her fingers, and drawing her arm across her body as she did so. "Beth dafodiaith areithiech Sirius? Allais mo ddeall 'ch." she asked, giving a confused glance. "A Ed , cei a horrid bededig ochra. 'ch facial fynegiannau ydy pawb c , a ddisgwyli cara a chwyddedig llyffant." she finished, smiling. Even in another language, she could not bare to not insult him.((Did Licea just change with me? She left speaking Welsh, did she not? Oh, man. Now I will be stuck speaking in Welsh for quite some time. What language were you speaking, Sirius? I could not understand you. And, Ed, you have a horrid worried side. Your facial expressions are all wrong, and you look like a bloated toad.))


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Sirius laughed, realizing Edward had been insulted, "Det var svenskt. It was Swedish. Manen Alice, Licea görar ond" ((Man, Alice, Licea hurts.)) She looked at herself, covered in blood ((small amounts)) and Soda. She hated being sticky. "Klibbigt för att gråta ut högt, all klibbig I-förmiddag" ((Sticky...for crying out loud, i'm all sticky...)) "Dundersuccé! Jag har aldrig varit kompetent att tala två språk strax! Wow! I've never been able to speak two languages at once! " She exclaimed.

-- Edited by Sirius at 20:10, 2008-09-18

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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Alice made an apologetic face. "Dwi fel 'n chwith. Licea ydy iawn pushy. A , gwnaech angen at chymer 'i Sirius , a gwisga t dybied a gwnaech 'ch enilla ag 'r yn cwffio. A do , Dybiais a baech pawb 'n ludiog."((I am so sorry. Licea is very pushy. And, you did want to take her, Sirius, and I don't think that you did your best with the fighting. And yes, I thought that you would be all sticky...))((read my musical. it fits alice pretty well!!XD))


My red pandas are attacking!

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"Nah, naturligtvis inte, kunde jag ha gjort bättre, men först, önskade jag att se henne stridighet utforma. Jag ska tar henne igen sometime.((Nah, of course not, I could have done better, but first, I wanted to see her fighting style. I'll take her again sometime.))" Sirius said, standing up and moaning. "censored.gif!"

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute


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((did u read it??))"Dwi hychydig blaidd i mewn bachgennes , ddeudi." she said, smiling. "Unrhyw ffyrdd , naeth choelbren chan amhara? Dybia a brofai at darfod 'i 'n fore."((I am a little wolf inside a girl, you say. Any ways, did she do a lot of damage? I think that she tried to end it early.)) she said, nodding, and looking around for damages. She then noticed the red hand mark across Erin's face. She laughed."Ddisgwyli cara annwfn Erin." she said, giggling.((you look like h***, Erin.)) "Beth naeth atat? Gwnaech chychwyn 'i , adwaenoch. Lonyddi dybied a ]m pawb 'n ddihangol boblogi chan 'n orffwyllog chyfleadau?"(( What did she do to you? You did start it, you know. Do you still think that we are all escaped people from insane places?)) She was now in hysterics.


My red pandas are attacking!

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Sirius began ranting, mad at losing her chance with Licea for the moment, as it seemed, "Gör den Licea funderare mig förmiddagen en wimp, eller vad, om jag hade haft mer tid, Alice, mig kunde totalt ha tagit henne. Välla fram åtminstone inte slagit denna dåliga. Den ser dåligan, egentligen dåligan som inte är min, kritiserar mig passerade ut, det var ett billigt trick, i min åsikt. Så Alice, ska du måste att låta mig ta henne igen. Allvarligt gör hon funderare mig förmiddagen en wimp? Eller patetiskt????? Och Alice, anstränger sig inte yourself, behar, I-förmiddagboten, och Erin förtjänar för att vara inte fin, så dess all goda. Why kan inte henne låt precis mig slåss det hela tinget????" She kept on going, though no one understood her. ((Does Licea think I'm a wimp, or what, if I had had more time, Alice, I could have totally taken her. Well, at least not been beaten this bad. It looks bad, really bad, not my fault I passed out, it was a cheap trick, in my opinion. So, Alice, you'll have to let me take her again. Seriously, does she think I'm a wimp? Or Pathetic????? And Alice, don't strain yourself, please, I'm fine, and Erin deserves to be not fine, so its all good. Why can't she just let me fight the whole thing????))

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Sophiana whined "ima sooo bored!"She sighed and sat up a minute later her little kitty tomato padded into the room "tomato! hurt my tomato and DIE LICEA, DIE!!!" She cuddled her kitty while clinging to sirius foot.


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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"OW! Soph, that hurts. Why is it my foot?" Sirius laughed.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Sophiana lifted her kitty "look at its ickle wittle face" she swung it back in forth in front of Sirius face "look at it accept the pain for this little kittys happyness and more importantly mine."


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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Sirius cursed under her breath then laughed at her friend.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Sophiana put a bonnet on tomato.


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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Sirius just raised her eyes and drew her knees up to her chest, cursing again when her tiny wounds hurt.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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Kairu apparated into the room. "Yo, it's 2:00 AM and Smith's asleep. I'm BORED!" She yelled.



My red pandas are attacking!

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"I was bored, but now I'm just wondering why Licea had to use a HALF empty bottle. I'm so censored sticky." She grinned and waved, then started examining the tiny holes in her hand, for some reason. Edward stood up, "Hello, Kairu." and headed to get more firewhiskey.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Sophiana set Tomato on Sirius head "yay! its licking your head!!" sophiana fell over laughing at this strange scene


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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She shuddered and took Tomato off her head. "Now, so long as you don't stick your claws in me all will be good. That would hurt." She began petting the cat.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Tomato looked at Sirius and curled up in her lap. Tomato purred. "aww" sophiana cooed over tomato "Sirius ed better look out because tomato loves you!" she clapped her hands


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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"Yup. He's got major competition." Sirius looked at Edward sadly.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Tomato rubbed herself against sirius and tried to get the bonnet off tomato looked at sirius sadly


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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Sirius sighed and removed the bonnet. "Is that better? Edward, you're officially history. And why the heck are you drinking again???!" She asked at the sight of him with a glass in his hands.
He shrugged. "I didn't think I was getting any sleep. You do realize how horrid you look, don't you?" He asked with a smile. She nodded and reached back to put her sticky hair over her shoulder.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

Sophiana pouted "i liked the bonnet..." she cuddled tomato. Tomato jumped and scattred across the room and attacked a feather she hit it until she caught it in her mouth. She walked back and gave it too sophiana "" sophiana raised an eyebrow. "hmmm werid..."


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.


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MiMik apparated into the room "Are you having a slumber party or is everyone just here uninvited?"

Anything is possible- Its called a loophole

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

Status: Offline
Posts: 1275

Sophiana sighed "i really don't know how a party happened people just kept coming it was just me getting stood up and then tom being werid and then more people kept coming, so yeah sure you are welcome to stay!"


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.


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"YAY!! Invasion of peoples! Much more interesting than a slumber party and easier to join!" Said MiMik ploppin down and making herself comfortable.

Anything is possible- Its called a loophole
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