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who could deny these butterflies?

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OC Musicals

Wee, I'm starting.

drum beat starts. Kairu walks into the great hall. "Hey guys, what's up?" She asks a group of girls in her potions class. One of them turns to her. "Oh nothing,
Cairo." She says. Drum beat gets louder.'Yeah, Kiaru, how are you?" Another asks. "kai-RU! How're you doin'? She asks.  Kairu rolls hey eyes and walks to the tables. Climbing on one, several students follow in rows of twos from either side.

"Four little words just to get me along
It's a difficulty and I'm biting on my tongue and I
I keep stalling, keeping me together
People around gotta find something to say now"
She sings, struting down the long table, keeping beat.

"Holding back, everyday the same
Don't wanna be a loner
Listen to me, oh no
I never say anything at all
But with nothing to consider they forget-my-name!"
She sings, shaking her fist  with the last three words.

Kairu stops at the end of the table, looking upwards. "Ame, Ame, Ame..." She looks further downwards with each syllable.

"They call me 'Hell'!
They call me 'Stacey'!
They call me 'her'!
They call me 'Jane'!"
Kairu dances, the other students fallowing her lead.

"That's not my name!" 
She  shakes her head.
That's not my name!"
That's not my name!"
That's not my name!"

Kairu jumps off of the table, moving into the halls.
"They call me 'Quiet Girl'
But I'm a riot
Mary, jo, lisa
Always the same!" 
She sings, passing a very confused snape.

"That's not my name!"
She turns around.
That's not my name!"
That's not my name!"
She throws her arms to her sides,
That's not my name!"
turning her palms to the sky as she enters the court yard. the students file out into a line beside her.

"I miss the catch if they throw me the ball,"
Kairu lifts her arms up, bending alternatively.
"I'm the last chick standing up against the wall
Keep up, falling,"
She falls to the ground "these heels they keep me boring" She stands up, walking across the court yard.
"Getting clamped up and sitting on the fence now"
She stops in the middle.

"So alone all the time and I
Lock myself away"

Listen to me, Oh No!" She Turns her head swiftly from side to side.
Although I'm dressed up, out and all with
Everything considered they forget my name"
She  Stops dead, lifting her arm.
"ame, ame, ame"
She sings, slowly dropping her arm in 90 degree increments.

"They call me 'Hell'
They call me 'Stacey'
They call me 'Her'
They call me 'Jane'!"
Kairu sings, Dancing.
"That's not my name!
That's not my name!
That's not my name!
That's not my name!"

"They call me 'Quiet Girl'
But I'm a riot!
Mary, jo, lisa"
She shakes her hips with each syllable.
"Always the same!
That's not my name!
That's not my name!
That's not my name!
That's not my name!"

She stops, turning around slowly, then placing her arms directly in front of her, moves them in a swimming motion.

"Are you calling me darling?
Are you calling me bird?"
Kairu starts walking, alone, through the courtyard.
"Are you calling me darling?
Are you calling me bird?"
She sings, walking into the halls and disappearing around a corner.

music fades



GAWD I love musicals. IDK, my writing form of what I pictured in my head.
Mua ha Cassi. Song is That's not my name by The Ting Tings.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Sophiana sat in the great hall at the Ravenclaw table as the Slytherins sang 'thats not my name'. Catchy tune she thought. She hummed as she watched. The breakfast bell rang clear and Charlie Golightly walked up to her as she was leaving to enjoy her Saturday. He leaned against a wall and said"Hey wanna go to Hogsmeade? He held up a honeydukes chocolate. A beat started.
Sophiana leaned against the wall and started to sing.

"I've known a few guys who thought they were pretty smart (Charlie put on his goofy crooked grin)
But you've got being right down to an art
You think you're a genius-you drive me up the wall (Sophiana made two fingers walk up the wall next his face)
You're a regular original, a know-it-all
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else (Sophiana stared a the courtyard grabbed Charlies hand and rans across the court yard)

Okay, so you're a rocket scientist(She stops and contiunes the song)
That don't impress me much (She said this looking over him, and then shaking her head)
So you got the brain but have you got the touch(She touched her own shoulder and and looked at him)
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night
That don't impress me much (Charlie started to get a strange look on his face, smiling at this whole Senrio)

I never knew a guy who carried a mirror in his pocket( She jumped up and then ran again)
And a comb up his sleeve-just in case(She touched a piece of Charlies long natural long blonde hair)
And all that extra hold gel in your hair oughtta lock it(She then snapped her hand away)
'Cause Heaven forbid it should fall outta place (Charlie spoke up "Who said that I carried a comb?) Sophiana threw back her head laughed a little and continuted not skipping a beat.

Oh-oo-oh, you think you're special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else

Okay, so you're Brad Pitt
That don't impress me much
So you got the looks but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night
That don't impress me much (Sophiana ran toward the lake singing even louder)

You're one of those guys who likes to shine his machine
You make me take off my shoes before you let me get in
I can't believe you kiss your car good night
C'mon baby tell me-you must be jokin', right! (Charlie was running behind her laughing the way)

Oh-oo-oh, you think you're somrthing special
Oh-oo-oh, you think you're something else

Okay, so you've got a car
That don't impress me much
So you got the moves but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm in the middle of the night(Sophiana jumped on the bench and danced singing into her wand having a grand ole time)

That don't impress me much
You think you're cool but have you got the touch
Don't get me wrong, yeah I think you're alright
But that won't keep me warm on the long, cold, lonely night(She gave herself a hug )
That don't impress me much

Okay, so what do you think you're Elvis or something...
That don't impress me much!(Sophiana jumped off and started toward Hogsmeade)

Alright! Alright!

You're Tarzan!
Captain Kirk maybe.
John Wayne.
That don't impress me much!

She sang the last verse quietly, but firmly while walking toward Hogsmeade. And looked in Charlies eyes. "See?" she said to him. He laughed"You're even cooler up close" He kissed her. And said "Is that a yes?" She looked at him, dazed. He sighed."Are you going to Hogsmeade with me?" He asked again. Sophiana got a huge smile on her face, "Yes Charlie Golighty, I think I will." She held his hand and looked around and saw Kairu smiling. Sophiana just winked at her and went went to Hogsmeade with Charlie.

-- Edited by sophiana tsuki at 01:26, 2008-07-28


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

harlies eyes. "See?" she said to him. He laughed"You're even cooler up close" He kissed her. And said "Is that a yes?" She looked at him, dazed. He sighed."Are you going to Hogsmeade with me?" He asked again. Sophiana got a huge smile on her face, "Yes Charlie Golighty, I think I will." She held his hand and looked around and saw Kairu smiling. Sophiana just winked at her and went went to Hogsmeade with Charlie.


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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((OTZ OTZ OTZ IDK I love musicals, and this one I just thought of a bit, so uh, yeah...))

Kairu walked outside to the lake, smiling as the music faded. Smith stood on a ledge, leaning against a tree. He and his Hufflepuff friends where chatting idly. He turned and saw Kairu, back turned to him. Friends start to hum harmoniously.

"Something in the way she moves"
Smith sang, jumping off of the ledge. "Attracts me like no other lover."
He began to walk twords her. "Some thing in the way she woos me." 
He sang.
"Don't wanna leave her now...You know I believe and how." He stopped. "Something in her smile she knows"-Kim suddenly walked up to him, opening her mouth to say something-"That I don't need no other lover."

He continued to walk in the same steady pace twords Kairu, who sat tearing at the grass as she looked out at the lake.
"Something in her style that shows me."
Smith walked beside her and sat down, looking into her eyes as he sang.
"Don't wanna leave her now,
you know I belive and how."
Kairu smiled at this, and chuckled a bit.

"You're asking me will my love grow...
I don't know, I don't know!"

He sang. Kairu put on a concerned expression.
"You stick around, now it may show...
I don't know, I don't know..."
Smith sang. She jumped up and started to walk away. "I have to go, actually..." She said. Smith watched her walk away.

"Something in the way she knows, and all I have to do is think of her...Something in the things she shows me..." He sang.
"Don't wanna leave her now..
You know I believe and how."
Sophiana walked by with Charlie.


Wee! I was suddenly struck with inspiration at 2 AM, so I wrote this and copied it this morning.biggrin



My red pandas are attacking!

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Kai, Soph, these are so awesome!!! You wouldn't mind if i joined in sometime, would you??

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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So cool. Definitely not stupid at all.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Yeah Sirius you could defenatly join, i mean it's a free board. I would post another song, but i don't have anyothers, lol


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

The game of love Sounds a little like sophiana and charlie.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

My red pandas are attacking!

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I have one. Not my fav song, but sorta about peer pressure and stereotypes, two things that bother Sirius immensely.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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I suppose I might. Not much else to do, at least not that I can think of.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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I suppose I will post one now... not the catchiest song, but oh well.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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 Here goes, I suppose...
    Sirius walked into the Great Hall for breakfast, about a week before the Yule Ball. The chatter was about who was taking who and what they were wearing and what they wanted and so on...It bothered her immensly. She picked up the pace and the guitar began quietly, getting louder and louder.
     "For Pete's sake, you are all such stereotypes! What happened to individuality?" Her voice was loud enough to be heard over the chatter, but still nobody was paying that much attention to her. When she reached the end of the table she spun on her heel, strutting back down between the tables.

Looking at himself but wishing he was someone else
Because the posters on the wall don't look they don't look like him at all.

As she sang she grabbed one of the fashion agazines from a student, glanced at it, and threw it over her shoulders.

So he ties it up, he tucks it in, he pulls it back and gives a grin
Laughing at himself because he knows he ain't loved at all

Her voice rang out through the hall, silencing everyone.

He gets his courage from the can,
It makes him feel like a man
Because he's loving all the ladies
But the ladies don't love him at all

Cause when he's not drunk
He's only stuck on himself
And then he has the nerve
To say he needs a decent girl

She shook her head sadly to the beat, turning again to walk back to the head of the room. All eyes were on Sirius. "Uhh...that means no illegal firewhiskey you idiots!"

Looking at herself but wishing she was someone else
Because the body of the doll it don't look like hers at all

So she straps it on, she sucks it in, she throws it up, and gives a grin
Laughing at herself because she knows she ain't that at all

All caught up in the trends

Sirius held out her hand and a necklace appeared in her hands. Many gasps echoed through the cavernous room.
Well the truth began to bend

The necklace curled up, seemingly of its own free will.

And the next thing you know man
There just ain't no truth left at all

The necklace in her had formed a snake, and she threw it away in disgust. Screams issued throughout the hall, but it vanished in a puff of smoke. As Sirius reached the front of the room she turned to face the students, her arms spread wide as if to say, "Who cares?"

Cause when the pretty girl walks
She walks so proud
And when the pretty girl laughs
Oh man, she laughs so loud

Sirius strutted a few feet, then turned around and walked back, laughing at the fun she was having.

And if it ain't this then its that
As a matter of fact
She hasn't had a day to relax
Since she has lost her ability to think clearly

Sirius was shaking her head sadly again.

Well I'm an energetic hypothetic version of another person
Check out my outsides there ain't nothing in here

As she sang, Sirius gestured to herself, then pointed to her head and sighed.

Well I'm a superficial, systematic, music television addict
Check out my outsides there ain't nothing in
Here comes another one, just like the other one

Sirius shrugged, walking between the tables again.
Looking at himself but wishing he was someone else

A compact mirror appeared in Sirius' hand, and she stared at herself.

Because the posters on the wall they don't look like a him

The mirror fell from her hands as she sighed.

And so he ties it up he tucks it in, he pulls it back and gives a grin
Laughing at himself because he knows he ain't loved at all
He knows he ain't loved at all

She finished singing and grabbed a pice of toast, stalking out f the Great Hall, not bothering to see the reaction to her song.

-- Edited by Sirius at 19:41, 2008-08-18

-- Edited by Sirius at 17:31, 2008-08-19

-- Edited by Sirius at 17:47, 2008-08-19

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

Aww! What song is that?cry 



My red pandas are attacking!

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What? Posters, by Jack Johnson, why?

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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Posts: 800

hmmYou don't have to like it...confused Im confused now.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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Posts: 800


"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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Your opinion, please? Whether or not you like it? Hello?

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

My red pandas are attacking!

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Posts: 800

I can always remove it. I only wrote it 'cuz I was bored, I don't think I would have otherwise. No idea.

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

(Like, LATE LATE LATE sixth year.)

Kairu walked through the halls somberly. Smith and Sophiana had gone out today, no note, no reason, leaving her alone. Suddenly, she heard Sophiana's giggle from a nother coridor. Her head snaped up, and she caught a glimps of Smith...

Ice water seemed to shoot through her body, chilling her to the soul. Kairu didn't think, she just ran to her dormatory, sobbing the whole time. She colapsed onto her bed, uncontrolably crying now. He's cheating on me. With my best friend. Right now. How long has this been going on? She sobbed louder as the thought formed. But suddenly, a new emotion griped her... Flamed licked their way to her heart, fire boiled through her, and she furrowed her brows as a guitar started playing.

"Your love is like a tidal wave, spinning over my head!"
Kairu sat up, singing loudly.
"Drownin me in your promises, better left unsaid!" She jumped to her feet.
"Youre the right kind of sinner, to release my inner fantasy...
The invincible winner, and you know that you were born to be...."

She looked maliciously at the love note he had written so long ago. Griping it, she pinched the corner...
"Youre a-
"Dream maker" Rip!
"Love taker" Rip!
"Dont you mess around with me!"
"Youre a-
"Dream maker" Rip!
"Love taker" Rip!
"Dont you mess around -
no no no!"
Shaking her head, she crumpled the last shred- a seemingly useless "I love you".
Kairu steped into the green-lit Slytherin comonroom.

"Your love has set my soul on fire, burnin out of control!" She sang, droping to her knees in front of the fireplace. "You taught me the ways of desire, now its takin its toll!" She rolled to her back, Shaking her head again as if shaking away a bad memory. She suddenly launched up, running back to her bedside.
"Youre the right kind of sinner, to release my inner fantasy!" She grabbed all of the tings Smith had given her, all of the notes, all of the poems, everything...
"The invincible winner, and you know that you were born to be..." She sat by the fireside and grabed the first doomed peice.

"Youre a-
A photo.
"Dream maker" A sonnet.
"love taker" A note.
"Dont you mess around with me!" She shook her head again, Bi-colour hair trailing hehind.
"Youre a-
A flower.
"Dream maker" A necklace.
"love taker" A poem.
"Dont you mess around -
no no no!"
She chucked the lot into the burning flames as they glinted off of her vengefull eyes. Kairu Sat up, following an instinct- the one cruelest thing anyone could do to Smith.

"Youre the right kind of sinner, to release my inner fantasy" She struted through the halls.
"The invincible winner, and you know that you were born to be..." She would know him when she saw him... Kairu paused at the front hall, standing in the center of the marble floor.

"Youre a-
She looked to her right, scaring some students. She did not care- she had a mission.
"Dream maker" She looked to her left, shocking a first year as she still could not locate him.
love taker"
"Dont you mess around with me!"
She began to walk twords the hufflepuff dorms.
"Youre a heartbreaker!
Dream maker, love taker
Dont you mess around with me!"
She aproached a group of Students. He was nowhere to be found.
"Youre a heartbreaker
Dream maker, love taker
Dont you mess around with me!"
Still, no sign.
"Youre a heartbreaker" Finaly she found him. Charlie Golightly.
Dream maker, love taker" She aproached him as he looked at her quizicaly, then suddenly pressed her lips to his.



Ah ha ha, a particulary bad point in the story.  Heartbreaker, pat bennetar, I'm probobly mispelling that, oh well. Kairu is mad shash, fo seriously. (Add libb ha ha!)



who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

XD No I love it!!!



My red pandas are attacking!

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Mine??yawnI love yours but was Smith cheating on her?confused

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

Yeah. IDK why, he may have drinken some smuggled fire whiskey when he was out ring shopping. Anyhoo the git blew the whole thing, and yeah, so later they reunited. I can't think of a good song for that, but it will come eventualy. I have one for Smith to sing. It's the calender hung itself by Bright Eyes. 'Cuz it discribes this  realy well, 'cuz it was the inspiration.



who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

Oh, now I get it! He wasn't.



My red pandas are attacking!

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Posts: 800

Okay. Idiot...

"Does he really think I would put my primary listening device inside a wooden mallard?"
-Dwight Schrute

who could deny these butterflies?

Status: Offline
Posts: 777

Yeah siriusly.

-- Edited by Kairu Rigby at 21:57, 2008-08-18



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

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Posts: 1275

well i'm embarssed

i love that song~ its one o my favorites


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Posts: 777

Whatevah, it was Smiths fault. He's just a stupid teenage boy who tried to grow up too fast.



Tattoos and the fact that I don't care

Status: Offline
Posts: 1275

sophiana nows seems like a evil b**** who snogs her bffs bf


Just some pink cotton candy at a fair.

who could deny these butterflies?

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Well I had Kim... IDK, I'm changing the whole situation eventualy. Unless I can get the kinks worked out of this one.


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